6 tips to make your Scottish trip a success

  1. Scotland is a small country, so it’s important to allow plenty of time to travel. Many journeys that may look short on a map can be very slow due to the layout of the roads. In the Highlands and Islands, many roads are single track. Drivers often do not realise the amount of concentration required and have to make more stops than they anticipated.

  2. Save time and stay organised by booking your ticketed attractions online. Many of the main visitor attractions in Scotland operate online booking services and some tickets will indicate a time slot when the visitor can enter. Edinburgh Castle is a great example of this.

  3. Free attractions. There is no charge to visit the permanent collections in many museums and art galleries in Scotland. Save money by visiting some of the free attractions such as the National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh or Gallery of Modern Art in Glasgow.

  4. Remember that in a medical emergency, visitors can attend the accident and emergency department of a local hospital. The visitor will be treated but if they remain in hospital overnight the individual will require to provide health insurance details.

  5. Money, money, moneyyyy! Be aware that three separate banks in Scotland print notes (Bank of Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale Bank). Although these notes will look different, they are all legal currency. Most cities, towns and villages will have ATMs so don’t feel pressure to have cash with you on arrival to Scotland. You will be able to get some while you are here.

  6. Prepare for all kinds of weather. Scotland experiences changeable conditions throughout the year. Wearing layers of clothing that can be removed or added throughout the day is the best way to travel.


7 reasons why you should make Scotland your next destination.